Bringing in more: democratic socialist tax policy for the 21st century
Funding effective public policy There are six generic aspects to successful public policy: The first is clearly identifying the problem...

The Establishment's counter-revolution
What a disgrace! After a long absence the current mess of the Brexit process has reached such dire straits that it has motivated the...

Book Review: The Economics of Brexit
A welcome publication Lost among all the mainstream and social media furore over the ongoing exit negotiations is that thing called...

The popularity, in the General Election, of the UK's first post-EU manifesto
The election result: thoughts on its implications After the excitement of the night of Thursday 8th June and of the morning of Friday 9th...

Labour Party manifesto: failing to adequately nurture the foundations of a free and egalitarian soci
A bit confused perhaps? With less than week to go, there is still time to examine key issues related to the Labour manifesto. As an...
It's the (whatever it happens to be in this case), stupid!
Kier Starmer has rejected an increased Labour vote share in the general election (now looking pretty likely) as a step forward for...
Labour & Security - A Sympathetic Realist Critique
We hope to come back to Labour's Manifesto commitments on international relations, defence and security later. These issues have been...

A response to the Labour Party 2017 manifesto: Education policy
The manifesto’s focus on education is preoccupied with the need to increase education spending and to make education affordable for all...

Optimism and pessimism
Douglas Carswell has made a You Tube film which argues that the most important political difference that divides people is ultimately...

Identifying some myths: the misleadingly named European Social Model
Left ‘remain’ supporters are fond of citing the EU’s so-called ‘social democratic’ approach to economic policy, sometimes referred to as...