For a positive future there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a person on the Left to vote to R
Whenever I talk to my left-wing friends who support the Remain campaign they're always very fast to remind me that I’m sat on the same...

The confusion at the heart of the matter: internationalism and supra-nationalism
One very noticeable aspect of the current referendum debate on EU membership, especially among those actually or nominally on the left,...

1. It will restore democratic national self-determination 2. It will force the resignation of Cameron and probably Osborne. 3. It...

How the EU Operates: Free movement of cheap labour?
Immigration is where a person wishes to leave the country where they live to emigrate and throw their lot in with another country. They...

Why the Maastricht structure is primarily based on Franco/German interests
Ever since a teen-ager, I have supported the idea of a Socialist United States of Europe. As a UK government negotiator, I subsequently...

The Treasury report on the Potential Costs of ‘Brexit’ – A Few Thoughts
The 200 page report, released by the Treasury a couple of weeks ago, has been used as the basis for the claim, by both the Prime Minister...