Book Review: The Economics of Brexit
A welcome publication Lost among all the mainstream and social media furore over the ongoing exit negotiations is that thing called...

The popularity, in the General Election, of the UK's first post-EU manifesto
The election result: thoughts on its implications After the excitement of the night of Thursday 8th June and of the morning of Friday 9th...

Labour Party manifesto: failing to adequately nurture the foundations of a free and egalitarian soci
A bit confused perhaps? With less than week to go, there is still time to examine key issues related to the Labour manifesto. As an...

Lexit: thoughts on what the Left should be doing now
Labour Party...to seize the policy initiative and set out a clear and exciting vision for a ‘Lexit’, based upon some clear ideas about the U

1. It will restore democratic national self-determination 2. It will force the resignation of Cameron and probably Osborne. 3. It...