A response to the Labour Party 2017 manifesto: Education policy
The manifesto’s focus on education is preoccupied with the need to increase education spending and to make education affordable for all...

Optimism and pessimism
Douglas Carswell has made a You Tube film which argues that the most important political difference that divides people is ultimately...

Lexit: thoughts on what the Left should be doing now
Labour Party...to seize the policy initiative and set out a clear and exciting vision for a ‘Lexit’, based upon some clear ideas about the U

How the EU Operates: Free movement of cheap labour?
Immigration is where a person wishes to leave the country where they live to emigrate and throw their lot in with another country. They...

Why the Maastricht structure is primarily based on Franco/German interests
Ever since a teen-ager, I have supported the idea of a Socialist United States of Europe. As a UK government negotiator, I subsequently...

#LEXIT: The EU is no socialist entity, Corbyn knows this all too well
Jeremy Corbyn is a hostage on the issue of the EU. His current 'warts and all but let's stay in please' posture is because he's been...

Left-wing euroscepticism: a condensed primer
1962: In a speech to the party conference in October, Gaitskell claimed that Britain's participation in a Federal Europe would mean "the...

What does Jeremy Corbyn really think about the EU?
What a difference half a year can make! Back in September 2015, just after it had been revealed that Jeremy Corbyn voted for Britain to...