For a positive future there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a person on the Left to vote to R
Whenever I talk to my left-wing friends who support the Remain campaign they're always very fast to remind me that I’m sat on the same...

How the EU Operates: Free movement of cheap labour?
Immigration is where a person wishes to leave the country where they live to emigrate and throw their lot in with another country. They...

Why the Maastricht structure is primarily based on Franco/German interests
Ever since a teen-ager, I have supported the idea of a Socialist United States of Europe. As a UK government negotiator, I subsequently...

The Treasury report on the Potential Costs of ‘Brexit’ – A Few Thoughts
The 200 page report, released by the Treasury a couple of weeks ago, has been used as the basis for the claim, by both the Prime Minister...

Is David Cameron moonlighting as a Brexit supporter?
Is David Cameron now moonlighting as a Brexit supporter? Speaking at the Confederation of British Industry recently, he said the...

Obama gives Left-wing eurosceptics cause for celebration
In an astonishing turn of events, President Obama has clearly felt it necessary to give strength to the Leave campaign, particularly...

#LEXIT: The EU is no socialist entity, Corbyn knows this all too well
Jeremy Corbyn is a hostage on the issue of the EU. His current 'warts and all but let's stay in please' posture is because he's been...

The rise of the Right and Far Right in Greece
Andreas Karitzis, a former SYRIZA member and former member of its Central Committee and Political Secretariat, has recently published a...

#LEXIT The left-wing argument for leaving the EU burns with passion
June 23rd and the issue of #LEXIT (a left exit from the EU straight jacket) is an issue of democracy not just of politics or financial...

There is no strong socialist case for staying in the European Union
Today Jeremy Corbyn, the left-wing leader of the Labour party, made a socialist case for remaining in the EU. It has been coloured by a...