Lexit: thoughts on what the Left should be doing now
Labour Party...to seize the policy initiative and set out a clear and exciting vision for a ‘Lexit’, based upon some clear ideas about the U

Time the left put its thinking cap on! Planning for a Lexit from the EU
Time to move on Nearly three months ago the British people gave an instruction to the Government that the UK should leave the European...

For a positive future there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a person on the Left to vote to R
Whenever I talk to my left-wing friends who support the Remain campaign they're always very fast to remind me that I’m sat on the same...

The confusion at the heart of the matter: internationalism and supra-nationalism
One very noticeable aspect of the current referendum debate on EU membership, especially among those actually or nominally on the left,...

1. It will restore democratic national self-determination 2. It will force the resignation of Cameron and probably Osborne. 3. It...

How the EU Operates: Free movement of cheap labour?
Immigration is where a person wishes to leave the country where they live to emigrate and throw their lot in with another country. They...

Why the Maastricht structure is primarily based on Franco/German interests
Ever since a teen-ager, I have supported the idea of a Socialist United States of Europe. As a UK government negotiator, I subsequently...

The Treasury report on the Potential Costs of ‘Brexit’ – A Few Thoughts
The 200 page report, released by the Treasury a couple of weeks ago, has been used as the basis for the claim, by both the Prime Minister...

Never mind TTIP, the EU is on its own mission to ‘marketise’ healthcare…
There has been a lot of discussion over the last few weeks, especially after the recent leak, about the Trans-Atlantic Trade and...

If you think the EU is a mess, vote to Leave
Yesterday the Guardian's economics editor Larry Elliot wrote a very convincing article entitled Brexit may be the best answer to a dying...